Speaker of the Turkish Parliament Mustafa Shentop noted that the upcoming official visit of President Erdogan to Kyrgyzstan and the holding of the 6th meeting of the Supreme Council for Strategic Cooperation will give impetus to the development of bilateral relations


On May 31 – June 1, 2022, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye  (TGNA) Akif Chagatai Kylych, a working visit to Turkey was held by a delegation of deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of  the Kyrgyz Republic consisting of the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense, Security and Migration Chingiz Aidarbekov ("Alliance"), Nurlanbek Shakiev (''Ata-Jurt Kyrgyzstan''), Leyla Lurova (''Yntymak''), Jyldyz Taalaibek kyzy (''Ishenym''), Guli Kozhokulova (''Butun Kyrgyzstan''), Zamirbek Mamasadykov (''Yiman Nuru'') and Nurlan Azygaliyev (''Eldik'').

At the beginning of the visit, the delegation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic visited the Mausoleum of the Founder of the Republic of Turkey Kemal Ataturk and laid a wreath.

The delegation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic met with the Chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye Mustafa Shentop, who emphasized the historical and cultural community of Kyrgyzstan and Turkey and the strategic level of cooperation between the two countries. Speaker Shentop noted that the upcoming official visit of President Erdogan to Kyrgyzstan and the holding of the 6th meeting of the Supreme Council for Strategic Cooperation will give impetus to the development of bilateral relations. Along with the exchange of views on the development of both bilateral cooperation, especially in the trade and economic sphere, and partnership at multilateral platforms in terms of deepening inter-parliamentary cooperation. The parties discussed and stressed the importance of holding the XI plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking States (TURKPA) in Kyrgyzstan in June this year. Speaker Shentop also confirmed his participation in this event.

The delegation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic held talks with the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the TGNA, Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Justice and Development Party Akif Chagatai Kylych, the Head of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Sabri Ozturk, as well as with representatives of all factions of the Turkish Parliament, in particular with the Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Group of the ruling Justice and Development Party Yılmaz Tunç, with the Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Group  Republican People's Party Engin Ozkoch, Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Nationalist Movement Party Erkan Akchai, Head of the Parliamentary Group of the "Good " Party Ismail Tatlıoglu and Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Peoples' Democratic Party Meral Danysh Beshtash.

At the meetings, the parties discussed the state and development of political, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations between the two countries, cooperation within the framework of parliamentary organizations, including through the friendship group and factions.

Within the framework of the visit, the delegation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic met with the Head of the Turkish Agency for Cooperation and Development (TIKA) Serkan Kayalar and the Deputy Head of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Faik Yavuz.

Also, the delegation of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic visited the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Turkey and the monument of  the Magnanimous Manas  which is in the central square of the Municipality of Kechioren in Ankara, where a meeting was held with the Mayor of the municipality of Kechoren Turgut Altynok.