Meeting between the Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev with Advisor to the Mayor of Malatya Hamit Ozpolat


On December 20, 2023, a ceremony was held to transfer funds donated by the mayor’s office of the city of Batken to the Turkish sister city of Malatya to provide financial assistance in overcoming the consequences of the devastating earthquakes in February 2023.

Ambassador Ruslan Kazakbaev met with Advisor to the Mayor of Malatya Hamit Ozpolat and presented a certificate confirming the transfer of the collected funds.

In turn, Hamit Ozpolat expressed gratitude to the Kyrgyz side for the support provided in difficult times for Turkey and assistance during the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquakes.

At the meeting, the parties discussed promising areas of bilateral cooperation and outlined joint plans to build it up for the next 2024.

As a result of the charity campaign of the Batken City Hall, 4,480 US dollars were collected. All funds were transferred to the account of the Malatya City Hall. The Embassy expresses gratitude to all caring Batken residents who provided assistance in such a difficult moment for the fraternal Turkish people.