А thematic round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the entry of the Kyrgyz Republic into the United Nations


On March 2, 1992, the Kyrgyz Republic was unanimously accepted as a full member of the United Nations by the decision of the 46th session of the UN General Assembly. To commemorate this historic event, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Diplomatic Academy named after. K. Dikambaev, with the support of the UN Country Team in the Kyrgyz Republic, held a thematic round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the entry of the Kyrgyz Republic into the United Nations.

The event was attended by high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the Presidential Administration, heads of UN agencies and programs in the Kyrgyz Republic, academia and veterans of the country's diplomatic service.

Speaking at the event, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nuran Niyazaliyev reviewed the participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UN for 30 years, noting the country's contribution to the Organization's activities in maintaining peace, developing cooperation between nations, solving development problems, promoting respect for human rights, cultural cooperation, environmental protection, combating diseases and many other challenges and problems of humanity.

Veterans of the diplomatic service, former Permanent Representatives of Kyrgyzstan to the UN, Director of the Center for Analysis of International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy - former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Murat Imanaliev and ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz SSR Zhanyl Tumenbayeva emphasized the key importance of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the UN as confirmation of recognition by members of the world community, independence and sovereignty of the country. The Permanent Coordinator of the UN system in the Kyrgyz Republic, O.Ojielo informed about the work of the UN Country Team in the Kyrgyz Republic and the future directions of interaction as a solid foundation for ensuring sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Additionally, the participants of the round table held a broad discussion of the progress achieved over 30 years, and also voiced ideas and vision for further participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UN.