On the cultural event dedicated to the celebration of Nooruz holiday in Brussels


On March 16, 2024, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic together with Kyrgyz diaspora organizations and municipal authorities of Brussels, as well as with the participation of representatives of other diasporas held a large-scale festival "Nooruz Vestival 2024" in the Central Library of Brussels. In addition, the event was attended by citizens and guests of the Belgian capital and representatives of diplomatic missions.

This festival was dedicated to expanding cultural horizons and strengthening friendship between the peoples of the states celebrating Nooruz, as well as the presentation of the tourism potential of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

An exhibition of the cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people and a photo exhibition dedicated to folk art were organized for the participants of the event.

Guests were able to taste Kyrgyz national cuisine, watch a fashion show of young men and women in national costumes, and listen to performances on the national musical instrument komuz.

In addition, the festival participants were presented a national yurt "boz yi", in the installation of which the guests had the opportunity to participate.