On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».


HE Timur Abdizhalil Consul General solemnly welcomed HE Abdish Alchiev, famous producer, author and film director of the Kyrgyz Republic during the opening ceremony of the presentation of the documentary film dedicated to soldier Tukubai Taigaraev, the Hero of the Soviet Union originally from the Kyrgyz Republic, a native of the Suzak district of the Osh region and noted that this film was shown in six countries and nowadays presented in the United Arab Emirates in Dubai city.

Compatriots and fans of patriotic cinema gathered to see this documentary film and they expressed their gratitude for organizing the viewing of this film and noted that this screening lays a sense of patriotism for their homeland and wished the further creative success.

After the screening, film director HE Abdish Alchiev spoke in details with the auditory about the filming and work on the film and expressed his hope that this film would be presented to a wide audience in the UAE in the near future.

  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».
  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».
  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».
  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».
  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».
  • On May 24, 2022 the Consulate General in cooperation with the Kyrgyz film studio «Kutkeldi films» has organized in Dubai the screening of the documentary film «Baatyr Bayany» (Height 144.0) produced by «Kaganat production».