On May 29, 2022, in the village of Walbrunn of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, representatives of the local diaspora of the Kyrgyz people organized the “Kymyz Holiday”


On May 29, 2022, in the village of Walbrunn of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, representatives of the local diaspora of the Kyrgyz people organized the “Kymyz Holiday”. The holiday was held by the society of Kyrgyzstan in Germany "Danek" and the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Germany Mr.Omurbek Tekebaev took part in it. The Ambassador spoke to the Kyrgyz people and German local residents and congratulated them on the “Kymyz Holiday”. About 200 Kyrgyz people from Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic took part in this event.

During the event, talented musicians living in Germany and Austria performed Kyrgyz folk melodies and songs, and Kyrgyz national games were organized. The guests of the holiday were offered national dishes and drink kymyz.

Such events contribute to the further unity of the Kyrgyz people in Germany and Europe and the popularization of the national traditions and culture of the Kyrgyz people in Germany.

"Kymyz Holiday" was held in the family horse breeding farm "Zollmann". This farm has been producing kymyz, various cosmetic and medical products from mare's milk for many years and offers it to the German people.

In addition, Ambassador Mr.Omurbek Tekebaev met with the Director of the company "RID GmbH" Mr.V. Reder, which is located in the city of Kirhard, and got acquainted with the activities of the company.

During the meeting, Ambassador Mr.Omurbek Tekebaev and Director Mr. V. Reder discussed issues of expanding cooperation in the Kyrgyz Republic. RID GmbH produces power generators and in 2019 opened a Kyrgyz-German joint venture in Kyrgyzstan, which is currently carrying out fruitful activities.