The performance of "Jamila" according to the novel by Chingiz Aitmatov was staged in New Delhi


On February 10, 2020, "Jamila" performance on the novel by the great Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov was shown at the Shri Ram Center in New Delhi, India.

The deepest meaning of the work of the world famous writer was revealed by the Indian theater group "Rangashilpi" from Kolkata in the framework of the 21st International Theater Festival of India "Bharat Rang Mahotsav", which takes place these days in New Delhi.

Stage Director Plaban Basu about his performance:

“To me, Jamila is not just a play, it is a journey in self-search, not just Jamila’s, but all of the oppressed women out there. As a director, I faced several challenges from this novel. The story is written in such a way that it has a lot of cinematic elements. So to build a play was a big challenge. Jamila, for me, is a story of redemption, liberation of love from social bondage. It is a play about a woman’s struggle for freedom to express her love. Therefore to be able to work as the director of this play was a truly rewarding experience and an accomplishment. ”

The performance did not leave anyone indifferent and aroused the admiration of the public for its deep acting.

The performance was attended by the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in India Mr.Asein Isaev, who thanked the cast for a successful performance and expressed hope for further fruitful joint cooperation and visits to Kyrgyzstan with other productions.

The show was presented in Hindi. Duration 2 hours 10 minutes.