Press Release of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran 30th July 2020


     In Kyrgyzstan, the 30th day of July, 2020, has been declared as the Day of National Mourning  for those who died from COVID-19.
      Today the  community of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran, like all the people of  Kyrgyzstan, grieves and prays for all our lost fellow-citizens  and  expresses  its deep condolences to all  Kyrgyzstanis who have lost their relatives and dear ones.
     Today, to show our mourning and grief, the national flag of the Kyrgyz Republic at this Embassy in Tehran, as well as at all foreign mission of our country abroad, has been lowered, and the black ribbon is on it.
        We wish to the people of  Kyrgyzstan and to the peoples of all the countries of the World, - good health, patience, endurance, strength and faith in a better future.

Embassy of  the  Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran