As part of promoting economic diplomacy, as well as protecting the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots, a meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Iran T. Sydykov and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance - Head of the Iranian Customs Administration Alireza Mogadasi.


As part of promoting economic diplomacy, as well as protecting the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots, on November 1, 2022, at the initiative of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran, a working meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Iran T. Sydykov and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance - Head of the Iranian Customs Administration Alireza Mogadasi.
During the meeting, at the suggestion of the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic T. Sydykov, an agreement was reached on direct interaction between a representative of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan with a contact person from the Customs Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the prevention and prompt resolution of problems that periodically arise for domestic cargo carriers with the Iranian side.
The Iranian side noted that under the interim free trade agreement between the EAEU and Iran, many private entrepreneurs, including those from Kyrgyzstan, can use duty-free or preferential tariffs when carrying out export-import operations.
The parties noted the positive dynamics in the development of trade and economic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and Iran, and also discussed issues of customs interaction and plans to conclude a relevant memorandum of understanding and cooperation, which provides for the exchange of statistical data on the main export-import indicators of the two countries.