The Agreement on the Bishkek State Hospital of Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship is ratified


On February 10, 2021, the Grand National Assembly (parliament) of Turkey ratified the Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on the opening, joint management, and transfer of the Bishkek State Hospital of Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship, as well as the education of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Turkey in the field of medicine and medical specialties. After the President of the Republic of Turkey signs the Law of the Republic of  Turkey on the ratification of the Agreement and the entry into force of this Agreement, the hospital will be equipped with the necessary medical equipment for its further full functioning.

In accordance with the Agreement, the Turkish side will provide an opportunity for training in Turkey in medical specialties for 20 Kyrgyz doctors annually, as well as support in the development of a curriculum focused on medical education and training in medical specialties held in Kyrgyzstan.

For reference: this Agreement was signed on September 1, 2018, in Bishkek. The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic ratified the Agreement on April 18, 2019, and on May 28, 2019, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic signed the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the ratification of the Agreement. The construction of a modern clinic funded by a grant from Turkey began with the coordination of TIKA in June 2016 and was completed in November 2017. The hospital has 72 beds (including 21 beds in the intensive care unit). During the peak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the hospital was temporarily opened to receive and treat patients with coronavirus infection.