Permanent Representative Mirgul Moldoisaeva took part in side-event Role of Women in Mountain Areas


The side-event Role of Women in Mountain Areas took place on 19 March 2018 in the UN Headquarters. The main topic of the side-event is the conditions of women in mountain areas, challenges and problems on the way towards women’s rights implementation, achieving gender equality and sustainable development of mountain communities.

The organizers of the side-event were Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN, Permanent Representatives of Austria, Peru, Andorra and Bhutan to the UN and Alpine Convention Organization.

Permanent Representative Mirgul Moldoisaeva mention in her statement that main dimensions of public policy on development of mountain and rural districts of Kyrgyzstan. Particularly she informed that President of the Kyrgyz Republic announced 2018 as the Year of Regions’ Development and work conducted in this direction.

Moreover, she mentioned the approval and realization of the Program of digital transformation Taza Koom as one of the main dimensions of the Government’s work on development of information infrastructure and facilitate access to public services in each district of Kyrgyzstan.