On April 4, 2023, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany Omurbek Tekebaev and the Embassy staff with family members took part in a charity concert organized


On April 4, 2023, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany Mr. Omurbek Tekebaev and the Embassy staff with family members took part in a charity concert organized by the German organization "Uplift-Aifwind" as an aid to children in Kyrgyzstan, in the world famous Berlin Philharmonic.

For more than 16 years, the Uplift-Aufwind team, headed by German citizen Maren Ernst, has been providing assistance to many orphans left without parental care, as well as sick children who need special care in Kyrgyzstan. This German society pays special attention to working with the parents of such children, teaching them how to care for sick children. The Embassy maintains constant contact with the German organization "Uplift-Aifwind", whose work is aimed at supporting children in Kyrgyzstan.

The concert was organized with the participation of famous musicians and performers of world classics, jazz, tango and electronic music from Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia and Canada. The performances of the famous opera singer Zarina Altynbayeva, musicians Aiken Aitbay and Aidar Gainulin caused a special delight among the audience. Unusual was the performance of the trio from Canada "Cobblestone Jazz", which performed electronic music of jazz melodies.

German actress Martina Gedek performed a reading of an excerpt from Maren Ernst's manuscript “It's different everywhere”, dedicated to the work of “Uplift-Aufwind” with children in Kyrgyzstan.

Aiken Aitbai, Maren Ernst, Ines Schilgen, Sven P. Jakobson, Lara Prins, Birte Hölscher as well as our compatriot in Berlin Kunduz Kachieva took an active part in organizing the charity concert. The Embassy expresses its gratitude to all the organizers of the charity concert.