Embassy press-release on January 12, 2023


We hereby draw the attention of drivers traveling on long distances to the need to take safety measures in advance.

Traveling drivers are advised to take the following precautions:

  • fill a full tank of fuel and take 10-15 liters of reserved fuel into an iron canister;
  • make sure that the battery, glass heaters, wipers, heating system are in good condition and anti-freeze fluid into the washer is full;
  • check the spare wheel, a jack, a tow rope, an emergency stop symbol, and a reflective vest;
  • carry insulated clothes, drink and food with you;
  • have a phone charger.

To avoid car accidents during a blizzard and heavy snowfall, the Embassy strongly recommend drivers to drive minimum speed, to increase the distance to the vehicle in front and to be extremely careful while driving. All passengers in the vehicle and the driver must wear seat belts.

If it is difficult to move due to snow drifts, it is recommended to stop in the nearest living areas, and near cafes or gas stations. At the same time, we recommend drivers temporarily refuse to travel, especially over long distances.

At the same time, in a blizzard, when visibility deteriorates, drivers should avoid sharp maneuvers while driving, observe the speed limit and a sufficient distance. When driving, take into account the reduction in the grip properties of the road surface during ice.

At the same time, the decrease in air temperature can lead to the risk of freezing of the fuel system of vehicles. Thus, the Embassy recommends to monitor the introduction of a message on temporary traffic restrictions in a number of areas for passenger buses and cars, which are sent via SMS messages from mobile operators.