4th Forum of Compatriots "Mekendeshter" take place in Kyrgyzstan


The 4-th Forum of Compatriots "Mekendeshter-2018" will be held in Kyrgyzstan on 8-9 August 2018 in Cholpon-Ata.

During the Forum there will be discussion of current issues of the regions of Kyrgyz Republic, successful experience of social and economic development of the regions. Kyrgyz compatriots and communities from abroad will present their stories of success.

The compatriots from dozens of countries, public officials of the Kyrgyz Republic, representatives of unions, non-commercial organizations and scientists will participate in the Forum in order to discuss issues of social and economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

This event is arranged by the "Roza Otunbaeva Initiative" International Public Foundation and aimed at creation and support favourable conditions for active involvement of the compatriots in development processes in Kyrgyzstan.

More detailed information about the Forum programm can be found by link: http://mekendeshter.roza.kg/program-forum/

The information about rules of registration can be found here: http://mekendeshter.roza.kg/registration/