Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN in New York Mirgul Moldoisaeva met with the newly appointed UN Deputy Secretary General - High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States Courtney Rattray


On August 12, 2021, Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN in New York Mirgul Moldoisaeva met with the newly appointed UN Deputy Secretary General - High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States Courtney Rattray.

During the meeting, M.Moldoisaeva spoke about the problems of mountainous countries in the light of climate change which had been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, M.Moldoisaeva reported on the initiatives of the Kyrgyz Republic, in particular the establishment in 2019 of the Group of Friends of Mountainous Countries, an informal association of UN Member States created to promote dialogue and cooperation on assistance to mountain countries.

Permanent Representative M.Moldoisaeva expressed hope that the Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Developing Countries, Landlocked and Small Island Developing States will pay special attention to the problems of mountainous countries.

High Representative Courtney Rattray expressed support and readiness to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in its activities in the field of sustainable mountain development.

In conclusion, the parties wished successful work and confirmed their mutual interest in continuing further fruitful cooperation.