Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan in New York moderated session of ECOSOC plenary meeting


The sessions of Economic and Social Council Operational Activities of Development Segment started its work in the United Nations Headquarters in New  York. This year’s segment will serve the key platform for the Member States and other stakeholders in order to discuss new proposals of the UN Secretary General about Repositioning (reformation) of the UN Development System for requirements of the 2030 Agenda. Reform of Resident Coordinators’ system, new generation of the UN country groups and others are basic elements of the repositioning.

Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN Mirgul Moldoisaeva participated in the sixth session of the ECOSOC Plenary meeting on Multi-country offices of the UN Development System as the moderator. In framework of this session Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed and other panelists on behalf of UN entities and Permanent Missions of the Member States made presentations. During this meeting the participants also discussed requirements of the UN Multi-country offices for more effective work, assistance of the MCOs to the UN Member States in increasing of their national capacities of SDGs implementation and further ways of cooperation development between regional and subregional organizations with the assistance of the UN MCOs.

Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic Mirgul Moldoisaeva underlined the necessity of full consideration of special needs of accepting countries and mentioned that the discussion’s outcomes will help in further improvement of the UN MCOs.