Regarding the financing of the health system in 2020


In the republican budget for 2019, 3.6 billion KGS was allocated to the healthcare sector (with transfers to the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic 14.3 billion KGS), however, in the republican budget for 2020 for the healthcare sector 6 6 billion KGS (with transfers to the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, 18.1 billion KGS).

The COVID-19 pandemic not only affected the economic situation in the country and made significant adjustments to the lives of ordinary citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, but also affected the work of all state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, the collection of tax and customs payments, from which the republican budget is formed.

Despite the current situation in the country, 243.3 million KGS were allocated from the republican budget this year to pay the established compensations and additional payments to medical workers involved in measures to combat coronavirus infection.

In addition, activities were financed for the purchase of mechanical ventilation apparatus, mobile oxygen concentrates, personal protective equipment, necessary medications and hygiene products.

In general, the financing of activities related to COVID-19 is carried out in a timely manner and to the extent necessary.