Country Information

The state in East Asia, is located on the islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, as well as 6848 adjoining small islands. The territory is 377 900 km2. The main features of the climate are muson and humidity, the temperature level differs in the cold north and in the subtropical south. The time difference between Tokyo and Bishkek is 3 hours.

The population is 125,927 million people, 90.7% live in cities. The density is about 332.2 people per km2. Over 98.5% - ethnic Japanese, 0.5% - Koreans, 0.4% - Chinese.

Administrative division - 47 prefectures. The capital is the city of Tokyo, which has the status of prefecture (population - 13.3 million people). In total in Japan there are 12 cities with a million population, in which 21% of the country's population live. In addition to Tokyo, these are the cities of Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai.

The official language is Japanese. The main religions are Shinto and Buddhism.

The monetary unit is the yen. The commercial exchange rate against the dollar as of October 2022. is about 148 yen per 1 US dollar.

The state-political system of Japan is based on a constitutional parliamentary monarchy. According to the current since 1947. Constitution The Еmperor is a symbol of the state and unity of the people, performs limited representation functions under the control of the Government. The birthday of Emperor Naruhito (occupies the throne since May 1, 2019) on February 23 is a national holiday. 

The supreme legislative body is the Parliament, consisting of two chambers - the House of Representatives (the lower house, 465 deputies) and the Chamber of Advisors (the upper chamber, 242 deputies). The term of office of the deputies of the House of Representatives is 4 years, the Chamber of Advisers is 6 years (with the re-election of half of the upper chamber every 3 years). 

Executive power is exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister elected by the Parliament and approved by the decree of the Emperor. Тhe Prime Minister of Japan is Fumio Kishida, chairman of the LDP.

Throughout the long postwar years, Japan was the second largest economic power in the world after the United States. However, according to the results of 2010, it moved to the third place, losing to China. Japan accounts for 6% of world GDP.

Japan ranks first in the world for life expectancy (men - 84.85 years, women - 89.73 years). At present, the country is faced with the problem of the "aging" of society, which led to an increase in spending on the social sphere, health care and pensions.