On new rules for those entering Kyrgyzstan


The republican headquarters approved new rules for crossing the border of Kyrgyzstan by air and land. They will be valid for both foreign citizens and citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

The new algorithms were approved to prevent the import and spread of coronavirus infection in Kyrgyzstan.

Algorithms for passengers on international and domestic flights

  • At all stages of pre-flight procedures and before boarding, passengers must observe the mask mode and distance;
  • Carrying out thermometry of passengers on board the aircraft / in the arrivals halls of the airport complexes;
  • In case of suspicion of a coronavirus infection in a passenger / s, also passengers of nearby 6-8 seats are subject to observation / isolation for further observation by doctors;
  • If it is necessary to determine the circle of contact persons, Manas International Airport transfers the passenger lists to the employees of the sanitary and quarantine points;
  • Passengers without clinical manifestations are admitted for further travel along the route.

Algorithms for foreign citizens / stateless persons - foreign specialists staying in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to carry out labor activities

  • Relevant government agencies provide permits to the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan to notify the State Border Service of the stay;
  • When crossing the state border, thermometry is carried out;
  • If clinical manifestations are detected, a fence is carried out for PCR analysis, hospitalization;
  • Persons without clinical manifestations must be taken out by the inviting party, to places prepared in advance by them before receiving the result of the PCR analysis;
  • With a negative PCR analysis, exit to work is allowed.
  • According to the Government Order, in relation to foreign citizens / stateless persons (specialists), the organization of conditions for undergoing observation, PCR and transportation is carried out at the expense of the inviting party.

Algorithms for persons arriving on the territory of Kyrgyzstan by road

  • Strict observance of the mask regime;
  • Carrying out thermometry of vehicle passengers;
  • If clinical manifestations of coronavirus are detected, a PCR analysis is carried out, with further hospitalization. Contact persons are installed the mobile application "Stop COVID-19 KG" and are sent further along the route.