Address of the acting President, Prime Minister Sadyr Zhaparov on the occasion of the Days of history and memory of ancestors


Acting President, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Zhaparov today, November 7, sent an address to the Kyrgyz people on the occasion of the Days of history and memory of ancestors.

Below is the text of the appeal:

"Dear compatriots!

Every year on November 7-8, Our country celebrates the days of history and memory of our ancestors. Folk wisdom says: "A nation that does not know its past has no future." Knowledge of history determines the present of the people and opens the way for them to the future.

Recent scientific discoveries have proved that the history of the Kyrgyz people spans more than three thousand years. The Kyrgyz are one of the ancient peoples of Central Asia and the Eurasian continent as a whole.

We are proud of our history. Having survived fateful trials, our people were able to create their own independent statehood thanks to the foresight, heroism and wisdom of their ancestors.

The creation and preservation of Kyrgyz statehood has been the main value of the Kyrgyz people for more than three millennia. The ideas of statehood, freedom, independence and love for the Motherland became the basis of the epic "Manas" - the pinnacle of Kyrgyz spirituality.

Kyrgyz statehood has experienced all the hardships, ups and downs. In the middle ages, our ancestors managed to create a Great power in the center of the Eurasian continent. This fact shows that since ancient times the Kyrgyz were a civilizing people.

The heroic struggle against external and internal enemies allowed our people to take a worthy place in the history of the peoples of the world.

In the twentieth century, our people had to go through great trials. The tragic events of 1916 and the political repressions of the 1930s led to heavy losses. At the same time, thanks to the tireless efforts and political will of the country's leaders, we were able to create our own Soviet national statehood within the USSR. In 1924, the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous region was created as part of the RSFSR, in 1926 it became an Autonomous Republic, and in 1936 – the Kyrgyz SSR. Thus, the Foundation of the current independent Kyrgyz statehood was created.

Over the years of independence, the Kyrgyz state has experienced difficult tests of strength. For the third time, popular discontent ends with a change of power.

At present, our history requires further in-depth research. Scientists-historians have a responsible historical mission. Future generations should receive reliable, scientifically based answers to such questions as: who were we, who have we become, and who will we become? The answers to these questions will help preserve our national identity and take our rightful place in the future world order. Historical memory will save us from mankurtism.

No wonder people say: "There is no future without the past." Therefore, in the Days of history and memory of our ancestors, we look back at the past and look to the future. For us, paying homage to our ancestors is a sacred duty to history".