First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Asein Isaev met with the newly appointed Ambassadors of Chile, Israel, Ecuador and Sweden to the Kyrgyz Republic on the eve of presenting their credentials to the Head of State

On March 27, 2023 the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Asein Isaev received the newly appointed Ambassadors to the Kyrgyz Republic prior to their presentation of Credentials to the Head of State - of the Republic of Chile with residence in Moscow Mr. Eduardo Escobar, Mr. Edwin Glusman of Israel with residence in Astana, Mr. Juan Fernando Holguin Flores of Ecuador with residence in Moscow, and Mr. Thomas Danestad of Sweden with residence in Stockholm.

The First Deputy Minister congratulated the Ambassadors on the upcoming start of their diplomatic mission in Kyrgyzstan and expressed hope for active joint work aimed at further strengthening of relations between the states.

During the meetings, the sides discussed issues on the bilateral cooperation agenda, prospects of developing political dialogue, expanding trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, further improving the legal framework. Views were also exchanged on cooperation in multilateral platforms.

Ambassador of Chile Eduardo Escobar said that Chile is the world's number one producer of copper, and the mining industry occupies a key position in the country's economy. In this regard, he suggested considering the possibility of cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in this area. Ambassador Escobar also expressed his willingness to promote the exchange of experiences with representatives of Kyrgyzstan in the agricultural sector and, in particular, processing of agricultural products.

During the conversation Ambassador of Israel Glusman announced Israel's intention to implement a number of economic projects in Kyrgyzstan, including the opening of direct flights between the two countries in May this year. He also proposed to intensify cooperation in the field of tourism, noting the increasing flow of tourists from Israel to Kyrgyzstan.

With Ambassador of Ecuador Juan Flores the issues of cooperation within the framework of international organizations, as well as mutual support of candidacies for the UN statutory bodies were discussed. The parties noted with satisfaction the dynamics of growth of mutual trade in 2022 and agreed to make additional efforts to strengthen economic cooperation.

Ambassador of Sweden Thomas Danestad noted Kyrgyzstan's openness to cooperation and the country's developed capacity of scientific research institutes, in his opinion, is of particular interest for interaction with the Swedish side. In addition, he spoke about the long experience of cooperation between the Nordic countries, and in this regard, he also expressed readiness to share the Swedish experience in this direction.

At the end of the meetings, First Deputy Minister Asein Isaev also informed the Ambassadors about the intentions of the Kyrgyz side to further strengthen cooperation with their countries and wished them a successful participation in the ceremony of presentation of Credentials to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov, which will be held on March 28, 2023.