The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan Ulanbek Totuiaev met with the Minister of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Syed Naveed Qamar

On August 11, 2022, the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan Ulanbek Totuiaev met with the Minister of Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Syed Naveed Qamar, during which the parties discussed topical issues on the bilateral agenda of the Kyrgyz-Pakistani cooperation in terms of trade, economic, investment and technical cooperation.

The parties emphasized the necessity of active joint work in increasing trade turnover, as well as interaction in such areas as agriculture, mining, pharmaceutical and textile industries, energy, industry and tourism and completion of actual regional projects such as CASA-1000.

 In order to promote the above-mentioned issues, Ambassador U.Totuiaev emphasized the importance of timely holding bilateral events in the trade and economic sphere, such as a regular meeting of the Kyrgyz-Pakistani Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation and joint business forums, as well as building up cooperation in the field of investment by creating investment funds.

 In his turn, Minister S.N.Qamar agreed that there are significant opportunities for development between the two countries, and in this regard, he announced his readiness to actively interact with the Kyrgyz side to implement the plans.