Министерство иностранных дел провело семинар для представителей государственных органов Кыргызской Республики

On 8 May 2024 within the framework of interaction of state bodies in the field of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a seminar for representatives of state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The seminar was organized on the basis of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to improve the effectiveness of implementation of the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On interaction of state bodies in the sphere of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic”, “On international treaties of the Kyrgyz Republic”, “On state protocol of the Kyrgyz Republic”, as well as interaction in the sphere of economic diplomacy.

During the event, officials of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry gave detailed explanations about the need and importance of compliance with the norms of these laws. The participants were familiarized with the established order of interaction between state bodies and local self-government bodies in carrying out international activities; conclusion, entry into force, execution, suspension and denunciation of international treaties of the Kyrgyz Republic; preparation and conduct of events of interstate importance; as well as a common protocol practice in relations with foreign states and international organizations.

The Ministry also informed about the work carried out in the field of economic diplomacy and called for active and coordinated foreign economic activities of the state bodies of the country in attracting investments, promoting exports of domestic goods and services, revealing the tourist potential of the country and development of its regions.

In addition, the participants were familiarized with the Automatic Infromation System “Diplomatic Service” developed jointly with the Ministry of digital development and State Enterprise “Infocom” and aimed at optimizing the process of interaction between government agencies and the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry.

At the end of the seminar, a productive exchange of views took place, as well as a question-and-answer session, during which current topics and issues were discussed in detail.

Training events are held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic on an annual basis as part of the ongoing work to strengthen the coordination of international activities of government bodies as well as to improve the level of knowledge of employees of ministries and agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic in this area.

More than 50 employees of state bodies and local governments of the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the current seminar.