4 December 2018, Trusteeship Council. "Development cooperation with middle-income countries"


Distiguished participants,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to greet you at the High-level meeting dedicated to the issues of development cooperation with middle income countries.

As was mention at this event many times middle-income countries consider the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development as one of the priorities of their national policies as the proper implementation of the SDGs depends the wealth of 5 billion peoples living in the middle-income countries. In this regard, Kyrgyzstan, as the country obtained middle-income country status, considers important the implementation of the sustainable development goals on national level.   

            The sustainable development is one of the priorities of Kyrgyzstan’s foreign policy. In framework of UN Kyrgyzstan supports majority of initiatives aimed at implementation of sustainable development goals. 

At the same time Kyrgyzstan stresses the importance of regional cooperation development as important dimension of SDGs realization. For example the priorities of development defined by the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) member states meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In particular the conclusion of formalization of the Common Market of Drugs in 2017 contributes to realization of SDG3 (Good Health and Well-being).    

The Kyrgyz Republic also paid contribution to the above-mentioned process by participating in establishment of the Integrated information portal of medicines which allowed nationals of the EEU Member States to gain access to better and cheap medicines.   

At the same time the realization of such projects as the formalization of the Common energy market by 2019 will also contribute to implementation SDG 7 (Clean and Affordable Energy), coordinated policy in agriculture sphere has already led to increasing of food production of EEU Member States including Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz party express confidence that such policy increased food security in Central Asia which meets SDG1 (No Poverty) and SDG2 (Zero Hunger). In addition the EEU is implementing the common industrialization policy. The results of such policy are the establishment of Eurasian Engineering Center on machine tool building and the official approval of the 11 priority technological platforms such as airspace, medicine, information and communication technologies, photnics, mineral extraction, ecology, agriculture and industrial technologies.

            Also EEU common policy is conducted in such fields as formalization of common labor and financial markets as well commodities quality control including environmental friendliness. Such steps will contribute to realization of SDGs and sustainable development of the EEU Member States.

            Participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the implementation of the mentioned EEU priorities matches the country's development policy. In order to implement the 2030 Agenda the Sustainable Development National Strategy for 2018-2040 was adopted on 31 October 2018 by the President's decree. This Strategy replaced the previous Sustainable Development National Strategy for 2013-2017 which shows the continuity of Kyrgyzstan's Government in realization of the country's sustainable development. Due to active cooperation with international and regional organizations Kyrgyzstan managed to achieve notable success in SDGs implementation. According to the SDG Global Index of 2018 Kyrgyzstan currently is on 51st place among 156 positions. The major achievements were made in realization of SDG1 (No Poverty): percentage of the population living for 1.9 US Dollars is reducing constantly.

Also Kyrgyzstan achieved good results in SDG7 by providing access to electricity for 99.8% of the population. The electricity is produced by hydropower stations which is considered as the most clean and environmentally friendly source of energy generation. As H.E.Mr.Tojjiddin Jurazoda correctly pointed out Kyrgyzstan also participate in the CASA-1000 project and ready to export clean and affordable energy to other countries. At the same time Kyrgyzstan has good results in implementation of SDG13 (Climate Action).

At the same time it is necessary to mention that Kyrgyzstan has a positive dynamics in the implementation of SDG2 (Zero Hunger), SDG3 (Good-Health and Well-Being) and SDG4 (Quality Education). However there are several obstacles to fully implement to above-mentioned goals. The main obstacles are lack of human capacity and access to technologies in the above-mentioned spheres. The Kyrgyz party considers that today is very important to develop cooperation of the middle-income countries in exchange of experience and good practices in the implementation of sustainable development goals especially in such SDGs which other country has problems with implementation. 

Kyrgyzstan has positive experience in the implementation of SDGs 1,7 and 13 and ready to cooperate with other middle-income countries in sphere of experience exchange. At the same time Kyrgyzstan ask for the assistance of the middle-income countries as well as the United Nations, international and regional organizations.

I'm confident that the cooperation is the basis of successful implementation of all sustainable development goals by 2030.

Thank you for the attention.


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