The issue of cooperation in the field of education between the United States and Kyrgyzstan was discussed


The issue of cooperation in the field of education between the United States and Kyrgyzstan was discussed

On March 12, 2024, a meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United States and Canada Bakyt Amanbaev with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Exchanges from the United States. Also present at the meeting were Marianne Craven, Director of Academic Programs at the U.S. Department of Education and Cultural Affairs, Mark Howard, Director of the Department's Office of Private Sector Exchange, and Rafiq Mansour, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Policy.
The discussion focused on expanding cooperation in the fields of education and culture between the United States and Kyrgyzstan. The American delegation provided a comprehensive overview of current educational and professional exchange programs funded by the US State Department, as well as a summary of upcoming initiatives.
Ambassador Bakyt Amanbaev emphasized the important role of educational policy in achieving sustainable economic development in any country. He briefed his American colleagues in detail on Kyrgyzstan's recent efforts at the state level in the field of education. In addition, the ambassador spoke about the “People's Hope” scholarship, an initiative established by the head of state Sadyr Japarov, aimed at supporting talented Kyrgyz youth in studying at prestigious global educational institutions. In addition, he provided information on recent teacher salary adjustments and notable education reforms.
During the discussions, Bakyt Amanbaev proposed increasing student participation in various programs, including Fulbright and FLEX, and proposed developing individual initiatives to strengthen ties between higher and secondary educational institutions in both countries. Moreover, he sought help in developing English language teaching in rural Kyrgyz schools, promoted the idea of promoting the exchange of teachers from rural areas to the United States for professional development, and advocated for projects that would help provide modern educational resources to rural schools.
In order to improve cultural ties between the two countries, Bakyt Amanbaev proposed supporting the holding of cultural days of Kyrgyzstan in the United States. The American side expressed support for a promising comprehensive project in the field of education and agreed to further work together to strengthen educational cooperation between the two countries.

  • The issue of cooperation in the field of education between the United States and Kyrgyzstan was discussed