Meeting of the Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul Nurlan Abdrakhmanov with the Governor of Istanbul Ali Yerlikaya


On November 23, 2020, was held a meeting of the Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul Nurlan Abdrakhmanov with the Governor of Istanbul Ali Yerlikaya.

The Consul General informed the Governor about the internal political situation and upcoming important events in the Kyrgyz Republic, including the upcoming presidential elections, the current activities of the country's leadership and the Government to improve the socio-economic sector, fight against coronavirus, fight corruption and improve the investment climate.

In turn, A. Yerlikaya congratulated the Kyrgyz diplomat on the appointment to the post of Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul and wished him success in his work.

Within the framework of the meeting, a brief exchange of views took place on the development of Kyrgyz-Turkish relations. The issues of practical interaction and coordination between the Consulate General and the Government were touched upon, including in terms of effective protection of the rights and interests of Kyrgyz citizens visiting Istanbul on tourist and business trips and permanently residing in the Istanbul province.

         Upon completion, the parties agreed on the need for closer mutual cooperation.