
Return certificate to the Kyrgyz Republic

In case of loss of a general civil passport or expiration of a passport, citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic can apply to the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of India with a request to issue a temporary travel document - Return certificate to the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Return certificate is issued only for returning to the Kyrgyz Republic and has a validity period of 30 days. After returning to the Kyrgyz Republic, the applicant is obliged to contact the State Registration Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic within 15 days to issue a new passport and hand over the Return certificate.

To obtain a Certificate of Return to the Kyrgyz Republic, the personal attendance of the applicant is required with the following documents:

1. A request letter addressed to the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of India, detailing the reasons for the loss / damage or indicating the fact of expiration;

2. Application form;

3. Three photos with size of 3 x 4 cm (color, on a white background);

4. In case of damage - the original of a general civil passport of a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic;

5. In case of loss - a copy of a passport (foreign passport or ID-card of the Kyrgyz Republic), or birth certificate of the Kyrgyz Republic, or a military ticket;

6. In the absence of documents, statements of at least two citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic with attachment of copies of their passports;

7. A certificate from the police about the loss / theft of a passport;

9. Consular fee is 20 US dollars.