Country presentation of the Kyrgyz Republic


Country presentation of the Kyrgyz Republic
Remotely, April 12, 2022 at 10:00 am
Sector focus: Light industry, Agro-industry, Energy
 April 12, starting at 10:00 am, the Country of the Kyrgyz Republic will be held remotely, organized by ICE Agenzia together with the Italian Embassy in Nur-Sultan and the ICE office in Almaty.
The economy of Kyrgyzstan is based on mining and agriculture, there is a strong potential for the development of hydropower, which is also intended for export to border states. The Kyrgyz government has opened the economy to foreign investment in light industry, agro-industry and energy in order to integrate the resources the country offers into the world economy.
From the above, there is a great interest of the Kyrgyz market in Italian technologies, in particular in the agro-industrial sector and in particular in agricultural mechanization, food processing and irrigation, as well as in ture infrastructure, with a special focus on hydropower.
The country presentation of the Kyrgyz Republic intends to illustrate to Italian companies the investment attraction policy pursued by the government of Kyrgyzstan and the commercial opportunities offered to Italian exporters in connection with this eAM modernization of agricultural machinery in Kyrgyzstan.
Presentations will focus on three priority areas:
Light industry
Participation in the event is free. Simultaneous servicing of Italian-Russian-Italian translations is planned.
ICE-Agentia is pleased to extend an invitation to all Italian companies interested in participating in the Webinar. To participate in the event, fill out the available form by clicking on the special button below.