On April 20, 2022, in Bologna at the initiative of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan to Italy, Ambassador T. Bazarbaev met with Mayor M. Lepore and Vice Mayor Anna Lisa Boni, who is in charge of development of international relations.


On April 20, 2022, in Bologna at the initiative of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan to Italy, Ambassador T. Bazarbaev met with Mayor M. Lepore and Vice Mayor Anna Lisa Boni, who is in charge of development of international relations.


As a part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kyrgyzstan and Italy this year and also the development of bilateral relations between Bishkek and Bologna, Ambassador T. Bazarbaev proposed to organize a visit of the Mayor of the city of M. Lepore to the capital of Kyrgyzstan for exchange of experience on the effective municipal management aspects, use  of digital and information technologies, as well as the implementation of Smart Cities projects. Also, Ambassador T. Bazarbaev proposed to include representatives of the Italian business, cultural and academic circles in the delegation.


Mayor M. Lepore and Vice Mayor Anna Lisa Boni expressed their readiness to consider organizing their visit to Bishkek and share their work experience. At the same time, it was proposed to develop cooperation in the field of education by establishing links between the universities of Kyrgyzstan and the University of Bologna, which is one of the oldest universities in Europe.

The parties agreed to continue coordinating the implementation of the agreements reached.