Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Italy T. Bazarbaev paid a visit to Caserta, Campania region.


On July 14, 2022, as part of the work aimed at development of international regional cooperation Ambassador T. Bazarbaev paid a working visit to the city of Caserta, Campania region, where he met with the mayor of Caserta C. Marino.

The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan suggested K. Marino to conclude an Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation with one of the cities of Kyrgyzstan to establish direct contacts in areas of mutual interest.

For his part, Mayor K. Marino expressed his readiness to consider the issue of concluding such an Agreement by the municipality of Caserta and sign it during his possible visit to Kyrgyzstan this year.

Ambassador T. Bazarbaev also met with the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the province of Caserta T. De Simone. An agreement was reached to study the submitted priority projects, organize a visit of Italian entrepreneurs to Kyrgyzstan and sign a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kyrgyzstan and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the province of Caserta in order to implement joint projects.

The working visit ended with a meeting with the Head of the Migration Service of the Province of Caserta, D. Della Cioppa, during which topical issues of the stay of the Kyrgyz diaspora, as well as the protection of their legitimate rights and interests, were discussed. According to available data, several thousand Kyrgyzstanis are engaged in labor activities in this province.