Embassy press-release on January 21, 2023


On January 21 2023, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Dastan Diushekeev held a meeting with representatives of the kyrgyz diaspora in Kazakhstan in order to update on upcoming changes of the staying rules in Kazakhstan, which will come into force in January 27.

During the meeting, representatives of the diaspora were informed on the new procedures of calculating the period of stay for EAEU citizens, the abolition of the existing practice of resetting the periods of stay and other innovations in legislation in the migration sphere.

Ambassador D. Diushekeev informed citizens about the observance of the norms and rules of the new migration legislation, and recommended to put their stay in order in accordance with the law of  Kazakhstan.

Thanking for the organization of such a meeting, representatives of the diaspora expressed their readiness to conduct clarifications on the introduced rules of migration registration among compatriots on the spots in Kazakhstan.

At the end of the meeting, sides highlighted the importance of conducting coordinated activities among the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic.