On September 2, 2020, with the assistance of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Korea, a charter flight of the T'Way airline, organized by the South Korean company «Kyrgyzstan Catering and Air Global», arrived in Bishkek and took 158 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign citizens from the Republic of Korea


As well as humanitarian assistance consisting of medical masks and non-contact thermometers have delivered. 

The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Republic of Korea expresses gratitude to the following South Korean organizations and citizens for the rendered feasible humanitarian assistance to Kyrgyzstan:

1. To the Chairman of the Korea Self-Regulatory Fair Trade Deferation, Mr. Hae Choon Jeong, and President of SkinnSkin, Mr. Lee Hae-il.

2. City Hall of Gumi (Republic of Korea).

3. Friendship Association "Republic of Korea - Central Asia" headed by Lee Okryun.

4. To the President of Son & Moon, Mr. Wu Han Gi.

5. To Korea Center for Intangible Culture Research.

6. To the Kyrgyz citizen, Mr. Kim Arthur.

7. To the General Director of the Ethnic Korean Community in Gwangju,                 Ms. Sin Joe.

8. To the Korean citizen, Mr. Park Chung Hee.

9. To Professor of Pediatrics, Mr. Heun Eog Yang.

10. To the President of TTVenture, Mr. Kim Hoesong.

11. South Korean businessman, Kwon Chi Ho.

The Kyrgyz side highly appreciates the assistance of the above-mentioned South Korean organizations and citizens of Kyrgyzstan and South Korea in the fight against the COVID-19 and expresses confidence that this assistance will be directed to the citizens and hospitals in Kyrgyzstan.