On April 24, 2020 the issue of returning 349 Kyrgyz citizens by charter flight from Istanbul to Bishkek has been worked on by the Embassy and the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul together with the turkish authorities and Turkish Airlines.


On April 24, 2020 the issue of returning 349 Kyrgyz citizens by charter flight from Istanbul to Bishkek has been worked on by the Embassy and the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul together with the turkish authorities and Turkish Airlines. Citizens of Kyrgyzstan who were in various cities of Turkey for the purpose of treatment, work, study, etc. were removed by mentioned flight in accordance with earlier compiled lists by the Embassy and Consulate General based on appeals of citizens.

Despite the ban on movement between 31 cities of Turkey, existing from the end of the March, and on the eve of announced the ban on going out onto the street from April 23 to 26, the Embassy together eith the turkish authorities worked out the issue of obtaining permits from local authorities for Kyrgyz citizens to move to Istanbul. For the majority of citizens compactly residing in the cities of Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Kastamonu, Karabuk, Kayseri, Konya, etc. transportation was organized for getting to Istanbul International Airport.

The Embassy and Consulate General continue to gather information about citizens who intend to return to Kyrgyzstan. The necessary information on measures taken by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and local authorities is regularly posted on the official website of the Embassy.



  • On April 24, 2020 the issue of returning 349 Kyrgyz citizens by charter flight from Istanbul to Bishkek has been worked on by the Embassy and the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Istanbul together with the turkish authorities and Turkish Airlines.