On December 19, 2019 at the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution “Sustainable Mountain Development”, represented by the Kyrgyz Republic and Italy


On December 19, 2019 at the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution “Sustainable Mountain Development”, represented by the Kyrgyz Republic and Italy. Also, 80 cosponsored this resolution.

In her speech during the consideration of the resolution at the UN General Assembly, the Permanent Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UN        M. Moldoisaeva noted that this resolution reflects the importance of implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development under the principle of “leaving no one behind” and taking into account characteristics and needs of UN member states.

Permanent Representative M. Moldoisaeva also noted that the resolution emphasizes the importance of preventing glaciers from melting, reducing biodiversity and degrading the environment to ensure and maintain an acceptable standard of living for mountain dwellers, whose economic activities depend entirely on the natural resources of mountain ecosystems. At the same time, the resolution reflected the importance of promoting the full realization of the rights of women, young people, and other vulnerable groups.

The resolution also mentions initiatives by UN member states to promote sustainable mountain development, such as the adoption on the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic of International Mountain Day in 2003 and International Year of Mountains in 2002, the establishment of the Group of Friends of Mountain Countries in August 2019 in New York, holding the International Snow Leopard and Ecosystem in 2017, the third World Nomad Games in 2018 and the fourth World Mountain Forum in October 2018 in Bishkek.