Speech by H.E. Mr. Kuban Omuraliev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Belarus at the event on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus


Speech by H.E. Mr. Kuban Omuraliev,

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic  to the Republic of Belarus at the event on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus

Urmatuu Mekendeshter,

Pavazanyia siabry, kalegi,


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On January 21, 25 years ago, diplomatic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus were established. Thus, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of us on this anniversary date.

For history, as well as for the majority of citizens of Kyrgyzstan and Belarus, this is quite a protocol figure, as relations between our two great nations and people are much deeper and have ran longer than a quarter of a century.

At the same time, 25 years is a landmark period, full of bilateral interaction, at times not quite simple, but certainly important.

Relations between our countries are based on an excellent tradition of friendship and historical community. Our people stood together during the Great Patriotic War, together defending the independence of our lands and people.

As for the period that we lived as independent states after the collapse of the Soviet Union, I think that our people were the first to understand the perniciousness of the disintegration of relations that had formed over the previous period and that met the fundamental interests of the people of our now independent countries. This is what motivated the movement towards integration, which was then, picked up in a broader geographical plan by other countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States space.

We have common defense tasks. We have a unified grouping of troops that reliably ensures the security of our countries, within the CSTO, of which the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Belarus are members.

Today we can state with confidence that the course chosen by Kyrgyzstan and Belarus to deepen partnership brings its positive results. Our participation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has opened new prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation. Entering the EEU for both countries has already produced achievements and only in 2017 increased trade turnover by 3.5 times. The EEU opened up opportunities for industrial cooperation, and in November of 2016 a production of Belarusian tractors MTZ opened in Bishkek.

I cannot not mention the cooperation in the humanitarian and cultural sphere. Festivals are constantly held both in Kyrgyzstan and Belarus, where collectives of our two countries actively communicate with each other and strengthen the very human contacts that is so vital in our modern world. Since independence, a monument to Hero of the USSR Zhumash Asanaliev was erected in Minsk. This year the public of Belarus intends to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the great writer Chyngiz Aitmatov. And I hope that this year, Belarus will send its envoys to take part in the Third World Nomadic Games, which will be held in Issyk-Kul.

Of course, this is not all that characterizes our relationship over the past 25 years.

At times in bilateral relations, as with any relations there may be some challenges and difficulties. However, we need to remember that there is an understanding that these challenges should be solved through a frank, open, sometimes emotional, dialogue that is aimed at finding t solutions. We do not see it as failure that at times there are pauses in our relations.  The main thing is that we, and history can testify to this, are always able to find solutions to these challenging issues.

I am confident that with joint efforts we will continue to develop strong relations between the two countries in all areas of mutual interest.

Taking this opportunity, I wish peace and prosperity to the friendly people of Belarus.

Let me express my gratitude to all of you who have responded to our invitation.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the House of Friendship and to all those who took part in the organization of the event.

Thank you for your attention