The Embassy participated in the cultural festival “Long Nights of Interculturality 2023”


The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Austria, in collaboration with the Kyrgyz diaspora, participated in the annual cultural festival "Long Nights of Interculturality 2023", organized by the International Organization for Cultural Diversity (ICDO) from September 18th to September 24th, 2023.

As part of the festival, a colorful show titled "Costumes of the World" took place in the main ceremonial hall, Festsaal, of the historic Vienna City Hall. More than 100 traditional costumes from nations around the world, representing over 35 countries from all continents, were showcased. Kyrgyzstan presented handcrafted national costumes made of natural felt, adorned with traditional Kyrgyz ornaments to the broad audience.

The Kyrgyzstan exhibition booth also displayed a diversity of folk and applied arts, illustrated publications about Kyrgyzstan, as well as brochures and tourism catalogs.

Festival guests had the opportunity to taste the sweets and traditional dishes of Kyrgyz national cuisine, including boorsok, chak-chak, samsy, kurut, and dried fruits.

Within the framework of the festival, an international exhibition titled "Sustainable Diversity: Acknowledging Our Differences in Pursuit of a Better World in the Face of Climate Change" was held. The exhibition featured three paintings by Kyrgyz artist Nastar Mamay, a doctoral student at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and former director of the S. Chuikov Kyrgyz State Art School. The paintings were titled "Birth of a Star," "Cosmic Evolution," and "Planetary Motion."

For reference: The "Long Nights of Interculturality" cultural festival is held annually in September under the patronage of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO to showcase Vienna's cultural diversity through music, applied arts, painting, traditional costumes from around the world, films, and various other events. This festival unites cultures from different countries and nations worldwide, thereby creating a common space for mutual understanding, tolerance, and spiritual enrichment.