Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic Iran H.E. Avazbek Abdurazakov has met the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Chairman of the Board and President of the Railway of the Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Saeid RASOULI


     On February 8th  2021, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic Iran H.E. Avazbek  Abdurazakov has  met  the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Chairman of the Board and President of the Railway of the Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Saeid RASOULI.
   At the meeting the parties discussed a number of issues related to facilitation of railway transportation of commodities to/from Kyrgyzstan through the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as opportunities of further development of cooperation between the Railways of the two countries.
      The Iranian Railway authorities have expressed their readiness to develop cooperation with the National Company of the Railways of Kyrgyzstan with the purpose of solving existing problems arising from the deficit of the railway platforms and increasing wagons turnover between the two countries and also proposed to establish a bilateral railway joint working group and to convene a number of on-line railway expert meetings in order to elaborate a relevant Roadmap of joint  actions aimed at dovetailing and signing of necessary bilateral and multilateral railway agreements.      

  • Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Islamic Republic Iran H.E. Avazbek  Abdurazakov has  met  the Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Chairman of the Board and President of the Railway of the Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Saeid RASOULI