mbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar Nuran Niyazaliev met with the Deputy Minister for Municipality and Environment of the State of Qatar, Dr. Faleh bin Naser Al-Tani


In Doha, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic in the State of Qatar Nuran Niyazaliev met with the Deputy Minister for Municipality and Environment of the State of Qatar, Dr. Faleh bin Naser Al-Tani, to discuss issues of Kyrgyz-Qatar cooperation in agriculture and veterinary fields, as well as the participation of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Seventh International Exhibition "AGRITEQ-2019".

During the conversation, Ambassador N.Niyazaliev informed about the agricultural potential of the Kyrgyz Republic and noted the prospects for the supply of domestic products to the Qatari market. In this context, he expressed interest in the participation of the Kyrgyz Republic at the international agricultural exhibition AGRITEQ-2019, scheduled for March 19-22, 2019 in the city of Doha.

For his part, Deputy Minister Faleh bin Nasser Al-Thani highly appreciated the active participation of Kyrgyz companies at the previous exhibition and expressed readiness to provide the necessary assistance to representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic in the upcoming event.