Press release of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic to the People’s Republic of China from November 28, 2020


On November 28 this year, as part of the promotion of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and China, at the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in China was held event with the participation of Chinese schoolchildren aged 7-13 years studying in Beijing and Tianjin. This event was organized jointly with the information publishing house «Diplomat».

The main purpose of the event was to familiarize Chinese students with the Embassy's activities, history, culture, traditions and national sports of the Kyrgyz people, as well as with the tourist potential of Kyrgyzstan. Video clips about Kyrgyzstan and the World nomad games were also shown.

During the event, a welcoming speech was made by the NWP of the Kyrgyz Rезгидшс in China К.Baktygulova and the participants were able to ask the head of the diplomatic mission and representatives of the Embassy questions about the culture and traditions of Kyrgyzstan.

Chinese students demonstrated their skills in playing the Chinese musical instrument «Guqin», told poems by the great Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty Li Bo, and also showed elements of the Chinese martial art «Wushu».

At the same time, the Embassy staff introduced Chinese schoolchildren to the national games «Chuko attuu», «Altyn shakek» and «Chabalekey». On the end of the event, Chinese schoolchildren were presented with national souvenirs.