On November 29, 2022, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Germany Mr. O.Tekebaev met with the Vice-President of the Ilmenau Technical University, Professor Stefan Sinzinger.


On November 29, 2022, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Germany Mr.O.Tekebaev met with the Vice-President of the Ilmenau Technical University, Professor Stefan Sinzinger.

During the meeting, issues of developing cooperation between the Ilmenau Technical University and the universities of Kyrgyzstan were discussed.

Ambassador Mr. O. Tekebaev noted that cooperation between the universities of Kyrgyzstan and Germany is being successfully implemented, the Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics and the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova. Both institutes train personnel in demand for Kyrgyzstan in technical areas and information technology. The Ambassador stressed that the expansion of cooperation between the Ilmenau Technical University and the universities of Kyrgyzstan has good prospects. During the meeting, the issue of recognition of double diplomas was also discussed.

Vice-President Mr. Stefan Sinzinger positively noted the possibilities for further cooperation between the Ilmenau Technical University and the universities of Kyrgyzstan, including within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakov and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Technical University of Ilmenau, concluded on October 20, 2022. This Memorandum provides for the exchange of students, the implementation of joint projects, the organization of mutual visits, etc.

During his stay at the university, Ambassador Mr.O.Tekebaev got acquainted with the high-voltage power transmission laboratory, where students and teachers conduct their practical classes and scientific research.

For reference: The Technical University of Ilmenau is one of the leading educational institutions in Germany. The university has 4889 students in various specialties in 5 faculties: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology; Faculty of Informatics and Automation; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Department of Economics.