Meeting of the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Iran Turdakun Sydykov with the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Crafts of Iran A.A. Shalbafyan


On January 23, 2024, in Tehran a meeting was held between the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in Iran, Turdakun Sydykov, and the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Crafts of Iran A.A. Shalbafyan. During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state of Kyrgyz-Iranian tourism cooperation, as well as issues of enhancing interaction and prospects for the practical implementation of the existing tourism potential of the two countries.

The parties determined a joint action plan aimed at increasing the level of tourism exchange between countries. A preliminary agreement was reached to organize a visit of the tourism delegation of Kyrgyzstan to Iran in February of this year as part of participation in the 17th international tourism exhibition in Tehran, as well as holding briefings, presentations and B2B at the site of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Iran and the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Tehran meetings with the participation of travel companies of the two countries in order to further familiarize themselves with the tourism potential and opportunities of Kyrgyzstan.

In addition, during the meeting, an agreement was reached to organize mutual information tours for representatives of travel companies, bloggers and business structures of the Kyrgyz Republic and Iran in order to popularize tourism among the population of Kyrgyzstan and Iran. In this regard, the parties positively assessed the recent decision of Iran to unilaterally introduce a visa-free regime for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of tourist trips and noted that this step will contribute to the development of cooperation between two countries in the field of tourism.