In the period May 15-16, 2021, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Italy carried out a consular visit to the city of Cagliari, Italy, where a large number of citizens of Kyrgyzstan live.


As part of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 4 dated January 29, 2021 “On taking measures aimed at improving the migration situation”, as well as in order to expand the work carried out by the Embassy to ensure the protection and rights and interests of citizens living in Italy, during the period On May 15-16, 2021, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Italy carried out a consular visit to the city of Cagliari, Italy, where a large number of citizens of Kyrgyzstan live.
During the visit to Cagliari, about 70 people were served on various issues of documentation - renewal of general (foreign) passports, internal passports (ID-cards), birth certificates. In addition, notarial services were provided to citizens - preparation and issuance of powers of attorney, as well as a number of consular certificates on various issues requiring presentation to Italian state and municipal institutions.
During the consular visit, the Embassy accepted a large number of applications for consular registration with the subsequent submission of biometric data.
The Embassy, ​​taking this opportunity, expresses gratitude to all citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic living on the island of Sardinia for their activity during the visit of the Embassy.
Also, special gratitude on behalf of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Italy is expressed to Elmira Nogoeva and Mirgul Omuraliev in Cagliari for their assistance in organizational matters on the island of Sardinia.