On March 7, 2024, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic Taalai Bazarbayev took part in an event organized by the Italian Senate jointly with the Italian Institute for Cooperation with Asia (ISIA) on the topic “Middle Corridor: A secure transit route between Italy, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.”


On March 7, 2024, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic Taalai Bazarbayev took part in an event organized by the Italian Senate jointly with the Italian Institute for Cooperation with Asia (ISIA) on the topic “Middle Corridor: A secure transit route between Italy, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.” The event was attended by deputies of the Italian Senate, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy E. Cirielli and the Ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as leading Italian experts on international politics and representatives of international organizations.

In his speech, Ambassador T. Bazarbaev informed about the favorable geographical position of Kyrgyzstan and the priority directions of the country’s transport policy, which are aimed at developing sustainable transport.

T. Bazarbaev noted that cooperation between the European Union and Central Asia opens up great opportunities for both sides, and also called for the development of transport and trade corridors between the regions. The Ambassador noted the importance of transport corridors of the Kyrgyz Republic connecting Europe and Asia, and also reported on the ongoing activities to launch the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” international railway.

As part of his speech, the Ambassador T. Bazarbaev emphasized that the Kyrgyz side is ready to develop transport infrastructure and mutually beneficial partnership with Italy and other countries of the European Union.