Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA B. Amanbaev met with representatives of the American company “Space X”


On March 19, 2024, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United States and Canada B. Amanbaev met with the Director of Global Licensing and Activation for Space X, Ms. Rebecca Hunter.

During the meeting parties discussed the different aspects of Space X’s implementation of high speed broadband through their Starlink services.

It should be noted that the cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and Space X began two years ago. Ms. R. Hunteron her part briefed the Ambassador about the work that has been carried out in the Kyrgyz Republic to date by her team. She also shared her views on issues that company faces in the Kyrgyz Republic and shared her proposals to tackle those issues together with the Embassy.

Ambassador B. Amanbaev, noted with satisfaction the fruitful cooperation between the Embassy and the Space X, and assured Space X that the work will continue. The parties also agreed to further discuss the issues that Space X faced during the implementation of the project.

  • Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA B. Amanbaev met with representatives of the American company “Space X”
  • Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the USA B. Amanbaev met with representatives of the American company “Space X”