Ambassador Mr. Mirlan ARSTANBAEV met with the the Chairman and Executive Officer of «Tokyo Rope MFG Co., Ltd» Mr. Shigeto TANAKA


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to Japan Mr. Mirlan ARSTANBAEV met with the Chairman and Executive Officer of “Tokyo Rope MFG Co., Ltd” Mr. Shigeto TANAKA and the Director General of their subsidiary company in Kyrgyzstan “Tokyo Rope Construction and Mining” Mr. Shinji ASAI.

Ambassador discussed current status and perspectives of cooperation with «Tokyo Rope MFG Co., Ltd» and «Tokyo Rope Construction and Mining». Parties mentioned success of previous cooperation resulted decision of the Corporation to enter the Kyrgyz market as well as significance of implementation of existing agreements and joint developing and fulfilling new initiatives.