The Ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom Ulan Djusupov met with the Secretary General of the IMO Kitak Lim


On October 17, 2022, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom H.E. Mr. Ulan Djusupov met with the Secretary General of the IMO Kitak Lim at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

During the meeting, the Secretary General informed about the main tasks, goals and current activities of the Organization, which is one of the UN specialized agencies. In particular, K.Lim noted that the IMO is working to strengthen measures to protect and improve the safety of international maritime transport, the protection of human life at sea and the prevention of pollution of the oceans caused by ships and shipping.

Topical issues on the international agenda were discussed - issues of climate change and its impact on human life, safety of maritime transport and maritime trade, as well as training programs for specialists. The Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic noted that the issues of the environment and climate change, food security and the development of international trade are of a universal nature and should be considered and resolved at various universal international platforms with the participation of all interested parties.

In particular, the initiatives of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of biodiversity conservation and sustainable mountain development are aimed at protecting the environment. Global climate change has an impact on glaciers and water resources in the mountainous regions of Central Asia, and this is also associated with climate changes occurring in the world's oceans. It was noted that all this testifies the urgent need to study and analyze the impact of the consequences of climate change on people, ecosystems and the economy, as well as the formation and implementation of the policy of the countries of the region related to climate change.

In this context, the parties noted the importance of establishing close cooperation between the IMO and the Kyrgyz Republic. The Secretary General informed that many landlocked countries are members of the Organization and are actively using the platform to promote climate change and other topical issues.