“Students of the Cambridge University read Chyngyz Aitmatov in honour of the 90th anniversary of the great Kyrgyz writer”


The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the United Kingdom together with the Central Asia Forum and the Centre for Development Studies of the Cambridge University, in Cambridge, organized and conducted the “Aitmatov Readings”.

The event was attended by faculty members and students of the University of Cambridge.

In accordance with the “Aitmatov Readings” program at the University of Cambridge, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Kingdom G. T. Iskakova made a statement during of which she told the event’s attendees about the great Kyrgyz writer Chyngyz Aitmatov’s biography and his work, various events being held in honor of the writer in the UK as well as about Kyrgyzstan in general. During her speech, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic demonstrated a video, featuring members of the British Parliament and the Mayor of London, who read excerpts from the works of Chyngyz Aitmatov.

Director of the Central Asia Forum at the University of Cambridge Dr. Saxena made a welcoming speech at the event and Ms. Prajakti Kalra, University Research Fellow presented her analysis in the form of a video presentation on “Chyngyz Aitmatov and his book Jamila”.

The students of the University of Cambridge from around the world took part in the “Aitmatov Readings” with a special enthusiasm while having read excerpt from Chyngyz Aitmatov's novel “Jamila” in English, Chinese, Kyrgyz, German, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak and French.

Further an exchange of views took place between the participants of the event, who shared their impressions of their acquaintance with the works and creativity of Chyngyz Aitmatov. Some students of the University of Cambridge from China and Uzbekistan noted that they consider Aitmatov as their own writer that he is more of a global rather than just the Kyrgyz writer. A lot of warm, heartfelt words were said about Chyngyz Aitmatov and his work.

As part of the “Aitmatov readings” the Cambridge Scientific Publishing House presented the participants of the event a volume of “Making the Kyrgyz” comprising scientific articles of British, Kyrgyz scientists and other authors. It should be noted that this compilation was prepared and published following a scientific symposium held on October 21, 2016 at the University of Cambridge on the theme: “Rhythms of the Past and Tunes for the Future: The Kyrgyz Epic”, which was organized by the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the United Kingdom and the Central Asia Forum of the Cambridge University.

For reference: The initial presentation of the collection “Making the Kyrgyz” was held in Bishkek on August 14, 2018, which was organized jointly by the University of Cambridge Forum on Central Asia and the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UK.

During the event in Cambridge, a screening of video films and information materials about tourist and natural sights of Kyrgyzstan were also organized and distributed.

The “Aitmatov readings” event was supported not only by the faculty members, but even more by the students of the University of Cambridge, who themselves wanted to read an excerpt from the work of the famous writer in different languages