Сelebration of the International Day of Nooruz at the University of Cambridge


     On March 19, 2023, the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UK celebrated the International Nooruz Day at the University of Cambridge, organized by the Central Asian Forum, with the support of the Embassies of Central Asian countries.

          At the opening ceremony of the event, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UK U. Dzhusupov, congratulated the audience and participants on the spring holiday Nooruz, which has a thousand-year history and deep meaning, and noted that the people of Kyrgyzstan perceive Nooruz as a holiday of spring, harmony and peace. This holiday is always celebrated together and with good faith in the future.

         More than 200 people participated in the cultural program in one of the oldest chapels of the University of Cambridge. Folklore and musical groups of diaspora organizations from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan, and the creative team of Cambridge University, performed for the British public at the cultural events.

          The concert program included the Kyrgyz national dances "Biy Mergen" and "Ibarat" as well as the performance of the songs "Alymkan" and "Kyzyl-Gul" on the komuz.