“Celebration of the 90th anniversary of the great Kyrgyz writer Chyngyz Aitmatov in the Parliament of the United Kingdom”


The Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UK, with the support of the All-Party Parliamentary Group of the British Parliament on Cooperation with Kyrgyzstan and the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, held a Memorial evening and reception at the British Parliament - the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the great Kyrgyz writer Ch.T. Aitmatov.

Despite ongoing discussions in the British Parliament on the report of Prime Minister Theresa May and Attorney General Jeffrey Cox on the Brexit agreements concluded, Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords of the Parliament of the United Kingdom took part in the event of Kyrgyzstan. There were also representatives from the UK FCO, the diplomatic corps accredited in London and friends of Kyrgyzstan, including representatives of the British business circle, the Kyrgyz diaspora and Kyrgyzstan student community in the UK.

At the celebration of the anniversary of Chyngyz Aitmatov in the British Parliament, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic in the United Kingdom G. T. Iskakova made a statement, who told the audience about the life and work of the great writer, events being held in honor of the anniversary in the UK. During her speech, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic demonstrated a video, featuring members of the British Parliament and the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, who read excerpts from the works of Chyngyz Aitmatov.

Welcoming remarks were also made by the Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group of the British Parliament on Cooperation with Kyrgyzstan, MP Bob Stewart, who said many warm words about Chyngyz Aitmatov and his works.

Actors from Kyrgyzstan arrived in London specifically for this event at the invitation of the Embassy, ​​who, together with the actors from the United Kingdom presented a short play based on the story by Ch.T. Aitmatov “Mother Earth”. The images of the main characters were performed by the following actors in the play in Kyrgyz and English: Tolgonai - Katie Trevelyan (actress of the Central Asian Theater Orzu Arts, UK), Subankul - Alymkul Isakov (Honored Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic), Aliman - Janylay Isakova (actress and director at the Kyrgyz National Academic Drama Theater named after T. Abdumomunov). The scenery for the performance was made by the chief artist of the Kyrgyz National Academic Drama Theater named after T.Abdumomunov Bakytbek Tilekmatov. The performances of the actors, their play and songs, as well as their colorful costumes with a brightly expressed flavor of that time, caused excitement among the participants in the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the great Kyrgyz writer Ch.T. Aitmatov. The performance held in the UK Parliament was of great success and caused even tears from many viewers.

During the event screening of video films and informative materials about tourist and natural sights of Kyrgyzstan were also organized and distributed.