The Ambassador of the Kyrgyzstan to the UAE HE Abdlatif Jumabaev met with HE Humaid Mohamed Ben Salem, Secretary General of the of the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the UAE

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Arab Emirates HE Abdlatif Jumabaev met with HE Humaid Mohamed Ben Salem, Secretary General of the of the Federation of United Arab Emirates Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the United Arab Emirates on 1 February 2022. The meeting was also attended by the Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic Madam Elmira Bataeva.

During the conversation, the parties discussed issues of practical strengthening of cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the United Arab Emirates. In particular, the parties discussed the implementation of the provisions of the signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Federation of United Arab Emirates Chambers of Commerce and Industry on the establishment of the Kyrgyz-Emirates Joint Business Council. At the meeting, the parties agreed to continue cooperation related to the mutual participation of Kyrgyz and Emirati companies in exhibition and fair events organized in the Kyrgyz Republic and the United Arab Emirates. They also discussed the organization of mutual visits and events with the participation of the business communities of the parties and other issues of mutual interest.